Feng Shui Expert Helps Clients Live In Harmony

Alan Lum

Alan Lum

Take a stroll around the streets of Chinatown and you’ll find a number of shops that offer Chinese charms and trinkets that are believed to bring luck, prosperity, good health and more — exactly what business owners (or homeowners) want to see more of in their lives.

But for traditional feng shui consultant Alan Lum, the notion of buying random items to enhance affluence is a misconception of what the practice entails. According to Lum, feng shui is all about harmonization and balance to create unity in all aspects of one’s life — and that is something he wants to do for all his clients.

Lum, who also teaches religion at University of Hawaii campuses, has been practicing the traditional method of feng shui and Chinese astrology professionally since 2002. He has since helped people coordinate their homes, buildings (including apartments and condos), offices and commercial structures. For all the establishments he has worked with, he notes that taking a look at the outer environment and land site is the first step in classical feng shui.

Lum then looks at the interior of the office or work area to fine-tune energies within the space. That’s where his trusty compass comes in.

“Every home or office has nine different energies, and each one will reside in a certain direction,” he says. “The location differs based on how the space is oriented.”

Each area has, to simplify the methodology, a prosperity energy, relationship energy, academic energy and more. There also is a sickness energy.

Lum's feng shui compass helps him identify different energies inside a space PHOTOS FROM ALAN LUM

Lum’s feng shui compass helps him identify different energies inside a space PHOTOS FROM ALAN LUM

“We want to make the most out of the positive energy and also try to minimize or reduce the effects of the negative energy,” he continues.

After discovering where each energy lives within the space, Lum instructs on how to maximize efficiency. For example, if there is a sickness energy in a prominent area of the room or building, he would opt to introduce a metal object, which would help reduce the negative energy.

To enhance an area’s prosperity energy, Lum would recommend introducing a water object. Adding a fountain or a large plant that sits in water would do the trick.

“Water could be an activator,” he says. “If not water, then movement.”

Each space will vary on direction and location of energies, which is why it takes a specialized touch to incorporate feng shui. But it’s never anything to stress over.

“In a sense, it’s very flexible,” he says. “It can be blended into any type of home (or establishment).”

Lum also has authored books relating to feng shui and Chinese astrology: Feng Shui for Lunch, Traditional Chinese Feng Shui and the More Advanced Flying Star Feng Shui and Chinese Astrology a Key to Success and Better Relationships.