Letter From The Editor

Metro-082616-editorThere’s been no bigger trend in film in recent years than superhero movies.

It seems that a new one comes out every few months — yet the enthusiasm for the genre never seems to fade.

That’s because there’s something about these stories that is universal. At least that’s what Nate Moore — a producer with Marvel Studios — tells us.

But while there’s always been certain themes that everyone can connect with, the genre may not always be the most diverse. Moore, though, has been a crucial force in changing that. He’s pushed to get characters like Falcon and Black Panther onto the big screen.

Currently, Moore is in preproduction for Black Panther, but he still took time out to work with the annual ‘Ohina Short Film Showcase, which features films by local artists. Moore helped select the films that will appear at ‘Ohina, and he’s en route here to participate in a Q&A in conjunction with the event. Metro staffer Paige Takeya — and our resident Marvel expert — had the chance to chat with Moore ahead of his Hawaii visit. See the story here.

We also explore another trend this week: escape rooms. A new one opened up just last week at Ward Warehouse, so we had to stop by. If you should know anything about it, it’s this: It comes from the same brilliant (and/or slightly twisted?) minds that bring us Haunted Plantation every Halloween. Read more here.