Macfarlane’s ‘Ted’ Returns

A sequel to the 2012 film, Ted 2 reunites John (Mark Wahlberg) with his best friend Ted, who just so happens to be a stuffed teddy bear. When Ted wants to have children with his new wife, he has to first prove that he is a person. We’re torn about how we feel about writer/director Seth MacFarlane’s (creator of Family Guy) particular brand of humor, but we all agree that the trailer has its humorous moments. Ted 2 opens in wide release June 26.


JAIMIE: As much as it shames me to admit it, I kind of really want to see this movie. I watched the first one and enjoyed it. More than the really stupid humor, I think the thing that makes this movie so funny is that it’s a TEDDY BEAR. It’s a cute teddy bear saying/doing stupid things and it’s just too much to handle.

CHRISTINA: I didn’t see the first one, and generally I don’t like Seth MacFarlane’s humor. I honestly do not understand how Family Guy came to be so popular. But I will say that the part where they are throwing out random law-related terms was hilarious.

NICOLE: I feel like I’m the only one who really wants to watch this movie. I freakin’ love all things Seth MacFarlane. But yes, I can understand that his humor is not suited to all. But I’m silently judging you all.

PAIGE: I also really enjoy Seth MacFarlane’s humor, but that’s probably because my favorite kind of humor is absurd, unrelated cutaways into obscure pop culture references. I’ve almost seen every episode of Family Guy. I feel like I would like pretty much whatever he does (except American Dad and The Cleveland Show).

NICOLE: Paige, I am totally judging you.

PAIGE: The other shows are just derivative of Family Guy.

NICOLE: The scene where Ted and John are at the sperm bank and all the sperm falls on John is totally from Family Guy. And it’s even funnier when you see it happening to an actual person. Like, it’s breathe-out-your-nose funny as an animated gig, but real life? It was hysterical. And I’m going to go on record saying that I thoroughly enjoy Mark Wahlberg.

PAIGE: I’m generally not a Mark Wahlberg fan, but I have to commend that he really sells the whole best-friends-with-a-bear thing.

CHRISTINA: I thought that Mark Wahlberg was the only one who can see/talk to the bear. It seems less interesting that everyone can see him. It could have been a slow descent into this otherwise seemingly normal dude’s madness. Like that “Garfield Minus Garfield” website.

PAIGE: I think it makes sense that everyone sees the bear talk and move because I don’t think the ambiguous “is it real or imagination” Calvin and Hobbes approach works nearly as well in film as it does in print, particularly in this kind of comedy.

NICOLE: I feel so isolated right now. It has me thinking, how are we friends? Are we breaking up?