Feel Good Phone

Metro-100814-SuperTech-HeadshotIt’s cute how many people don’t believe me when I credit about 75 percent of what I’m now referring to as my Great Weight Loss of 2012 to an iPhone app. Not like I really ever wanted to come out in the open and talk about such a significant and personal thing, but when you are in a world where you see so many people and there is such an obvious change to your appearance (in my case, being 50 pounds lighter), I finally figured, what the hell? Why not share? Maybe I can help others who are on the fence about their self-image. If I can even influence one person to take that step to improve their health — whether it’s physical or emotional — then it’s worth it.

“You need some self-love,” a recent Tinder match texted me from Kauai last month. We had exchanged enough messages in the app that I felt comfortable sending him my number, and the conversation continued well into the night, the next day and the next.

After a slew of poetry, photos and intense questioning, I realized this is a damn smart, damn grown-up man. As soon as we decided we were going to meet, I froze up.

This is really scary, I texted him. “What are you afraid of?” he asked. Rejection. What if there’s no chemistry? “Clearly, there’s chemistry,” he texted back.

I keep thinking about men and how they will say and do anything to get to where they need (in my pants). It always makes me pull back, wait it out or never even try. The sex in my head is much better than the sex (and its aftermath) that we could have IRL. Finally having the courage to voice these fears to a stranger and hear his rebuttals was making them less and less rational. This guy was good. He is smart, genius even, and he likes me. I needed to chill out. I wound up jumping on a flight, and things fell together beautifully.
I credit the giant leap of faith I took to the Great Weight Loss of 2012. Feeling better about my figure and fitness has made me take huge steps in opening up that I never would have done before. The app I used is called Lose It! It’s a free weight-loss journal and even has a social aspect for those who could use an extra push. I am pretty competitive, so I liked joining the challenges to stay motivated. Yelp-or FourSquare-obsessed individuals who like getting badges also will love this, as it offers these to users who are consistent.

There are many free apps that are similar, but I like Lose It! because it works offline and has a pretty vast food catalog. You also can add foods and it will remember your habits. When you’re not on your phone, you can log in to the website to update as well. I find that having something like this is like having my own (free) personal trainer, and it definitely played a huge part in losing weight and keeping it off. It’s funny to think that it really is as easy as calories in, calories out.

The complicated stuff is how you get there. Anything to simplify my life, I’m all in.


Christa Wittmier is “SUPERCW” on pretty much all social media. Find her on Snapchat, Soundcloud, Twitter, Vine, and, of course, Instagram. By night, she is known as DJ SuperCW and as the pool party queen, running the Bacardi Pool Party and the Grey Goose Dayclub. By day, she is known as senior marketing director for Young’s Market Company of Hawaii.